best law firms in Egypt. To be the best in your field, this is neither easy nor impossible while it is a mediator between it, which in turn needs to exert much effort to achieve this objective which represents in how to be a leader in your field and acquire the largest share of the market. This also in turn leads us to know what the factors which lead to this objective. These factors are many such as, quality, the client’s perspective, creativity and confidence. As a company the best way for you is to identify these factors and how to deal with them firmly and seriously through the development of a strategy of implementation and planned in a professional manner commensurate with the situation of the company and the market which finally turns to an achieved goals which serve the company .

The criteria of the best law firms in Egypt

There are many criteria and adjectives by which you will become one of the law firms in Egypt so, we will review them in detailed as following;
Quality; (what constitutes “quality” for consumers?)
Consumers are relatively consistent in their requirements
In individual preferences for legal services showed remarkable consistency across the groups. By age, socio-economic group and, indeed, whether they had used lawyers before or not, the same core themes showed when consumers were asked what defines a ‘good quality’ lawyer.
Though individual interpretations of them varied, six key themes emerged in terms of defining ‘good quality’ legal services, with four of the six focused on customer service (rather than the advice).
Efficient processes
Clarity and de-mystification
Proactively using their knowledge
Professional presentation
Creativity and confidence
Creativity is another critical aspect of helping the client achieves its business goals. To be truly successful, you should be creative . . . to think “out of the box”, for example if there is a situation in which a big corporate client has a commercial lease contract that everybody said was unbreakable. Your role is to think about it for a while, and come up with maybe ten theories as an example, which would enable the company to get out of the contract. Then, check your thoughts, at the outset of the process you will find that no theory is too silly to exclude. Then do preliminary research on all ten theories. Three or four of them were discarded because they were so far off the wall that they just weren’t reasonable, finally you will reach to the list down and come up with two or three that might work. You can do further research on those legal theories and on the underlying facts and come up with something you thought would work which may really astounded the lessor that there was a reasonable theory by which he could avoid this onerous agreement.
The client’s perspective
One of the most important factors of law firm’s success is the client’s perspective as Sometimes lawyer training works exactly against you when you are faced by a client. These are not only situations to be won or lost. You can claim success when you calm the client and finish the conflict. So, ask yourself what the client wants, and then say to him you’ve been angry about a service provider’s performance before. What did you want? It’s one or more of a rather standard list:
• To be listened to
• To be treated with respect
• To be taken seriously
• An immediate response
• To make sure it doesn’t happen again
• To avoid blame from someone else in your organisation
Research has shown that first impressions are formed of 55 percent visual cues (body language), 38 percent vocal (tone of voice) and only 7 percent verbal (words). One expert estimates that the percentages shift significantly when you communicate through the phone to 82 percent vocal and 18 percent verbal. So when you respond to your client, it is critical to modulate your voice to show concern, patience and caring. And choose your words to show that you are informed and respectful. It is an old but proven speaker’s trick to deepen your voice a lower voices are perceived as being much ripe and in control.

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