What rights are granted by Trademark Registration in Egypt?

Egypt, a country located in northeast Africa, which links to the Middle East, is well known as one of the prime volume markets in the region. Many international and local traders and entities consider Egypt as the largest market in North Africa and the Middle East. The trademark practice generally focuses on protection, which includes [...]

By |2024-10-09T13:27:11+02:00October 5th, 2024|law firm|0 Comments

Need Maritime law firm in Egypt for shipping companies?

Egypt is a country that has a long history of maritime trade and shipping, being strategically positioned as a critical junction in global maritime routes, has its maritime law significantly influenced by international conventions. With the burgeoning globalization of trade and commerce, maritime activities have transcended beyond just vessels and oceans, and hence, the country [...]

By |2024-09-18T14:17:47+02:00September 14th, 2024|law firm|0 Comments
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